
Also check out Gitti, which is a pretty slick Mac app. It’s still in beta and development doesn’t seem to be very active, but it is/was off to a promising start.

And for those using TextMate, the Git TextMate Bundle is pretty great.

Great find with Gitti Dan. There are some wonderful clients springing up at the moment and this one looks very promising.

Gitti is a Git Client for Mac OS X designed to ensure that users never have to touch the command line

Music to my ears!

Also check out Gitti, which is a pretty slick Mac app. It’s still in beta and development doesn’t seem to be very active, but it is/was off to a promising start.

Did anyone manage to get Gitti beta access?

Nope. I applied (gave them my name/email) but have heard/received nothing as of yet. Looks good though ;-)


Thought so — thanks.

I was checking Gitti’s Twitter page… They haven’t said anything since June 26th. There’s a chance it might not be going anywhere now.

I have Gitti - but it’s a private beta, so I can’t really discuss features. Doug’s right, there’s not been any activity for a while on Gitti - I still find myself using brotherbard’s GitX fork for my everyday commits.

Just found some really nice shots of a promising new git client at dribbble by Eddie Wilson:

mhh tasty

Phoque just showed me a new upcoming mac os git client. This could finally replace my gitbox/gity combo…

Some great applications too look through here. I’ve only just tried git (in Terminal only), and just cloning extensions is brilliant in itself! Saves downloading, unzipping, renaming, and moving to the extensions directory.

I’ve been using the private beta of Tower. Keep your eyes on it - for less experienced users, it will be great. I still find most of my heavy staging and commit work is done in the GitX fork mentioned earlier in this thread.

Sounds perfect for the likes of me!

We are very excited to announce that we officially launched Tower out of private beta!

Interesting for everyone who wasn’t part of the closed beta of Tower.

I was going to post about this once I’d had a moment to really play around with it but so far my impressions are: Wow! That’s really easy and obvious!

And I HATE using Terminal commands.

just saw this for a mac - git tower - but haven’t used it at all

Have started using Git Tower, managed to clone the official rep, but the extensions haven’t been cloned, and so far I couldn’t see an option to update the extensions. I know it’s in beta so it may not be an option yet.

Or it could be just that I haven’t found it yet.

I talked to their support about this a few days ago: Tower doesn’t support submodule updating yet. It correctly shows changes in submodules but it doesn’t let you pull submodules via the interface.

Hi Nils, what did they say? I also tweeted them about it too.

They said that this “might be implemented in a later version”.

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