
so its back to gitx, gitbox or gitti?

Might? that’s a bit of a deal breaker for me. I can go into the terminal and update that way, but that’s not really the point.


They said:

Es ist möglich, dass wir das in einer späteren Version implementieren, wir haben uns aber noch nicht definitiv entschieden.

Which means that they “might implement it in a later version, but haven’t definitely decided yet”.

And yes, it’s a deal breaker.

I’m really interested in the pricing of GitTower since gitbox seems a bit pricey (40$) for its current feature set.

I’ve been jumping between Git Tower and Gitbox for the last couple of weeks or so, and Gitbox is definitely winning. Tower really isn’t intuitive, and things feel like they’re all in the wrong places.

Nothing will be perfect until we write our own Symphony Git Client :o)

Such a shame as it does seem like a nice application.

Maybe the guys who created Versions will step up to the plate.

A deal breaker? Seriously? Pfff… Mac users :-D

Using Git via Terminal is so easy, all you need is a days worth of getting used to it. :-)

@Phoque, not everybody who works in the Web are Web Developers. Some are designers too, and good UI enables the designers to skip over the matrix-esque screens.

For example, Symphony itself for me grabbed my attention because the UI of the backend was excellent, and compared to other CMS’s I have used it was miles better.

As a front-end designer I would rather spend more time working on design and not at the Terminal, however I work with a guy who edits code within the Terminal, basically lives there - which is fine for him, but he’s a developer and that’s his comfort zone.

I’m a designer, and GUI is my comfort zone.

I wasn’t 100% serious in my last post, sorry.

All I’m saying is: 99% of the time you’re committing and pushing/pulling and only 1% of the time you’re dealing with submodules.

Word on the street is Coda is getting GIT in the next major version… Let us hope…

@phoque, ah right. Fair enough.

I do see what your saying, and your right in many instances. I’m more interested in UX and UI etc…and so any system that makes it easier for you to operate, and have less of a learning curve then I’m all for it.

For example, pressing a button is easier than typing in commands.

However, Git Tower don’t have it right just yet, but you never know.

@doug, Coda is something I have, but I don’t use due to my attachment to CSS Edit 2 and Espresso.

Having something all in one is the ideal situation and something that Jason Santa Marie was chatting about recently,

Hi peeps.

Another one for the list ;)

Although I use Git on the CLI all the time I might look into It's recently bought by Atlassian and it's free.

@david: you received the Atlassian newsletter :P

Erm, no why?

I got it from the Twitterz. Plus: says it's 'free' (registration) for a limited time. Am I missing something?

You're not missing out on anything :) It was sent yesterday with only one topic: "we aquired sourcetreeapp and now it's free for all". So I found it funny to see it pop-up here.

hey, I'm Dutch: freebies don't escape my attention :)

Have you tried it?

No, not yet. I'm glued to my command-line.

For a designer git newbie would githubs own mac client be advised, or gitbox, or other? Gitbox is on sale currently... then again sourcetree is free currenlty

I've got GitHub and Gitbox but I found the former to be too simplistic, so use Gitbox day to day.

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